
The Amazing Food of Thailand

Khao soi Mae Soi in Chiangmai
Khao soi Mae Soi in Chiangmai

I recently got back from a 3-week trip to Thailand and simply had the best time. It’s such a gorgeous country, we visited temples, palaces, ancient capitals, and so much more. But I want to tell you about the food. The food in Thailand is just unparalleled, it’s practically impossible to have a bad meal anywhere in the country. There’s such a wide variety of amazing dishes and flavors. Fruits that look entirely alien to me and are unlike anything I’ve ever eaten before.

In Chiang Mai, the epicenter of northern Thailand, we ate tons of the regional specialty, khao soi, a curry soup noodle dish. In Bangkok, we stayed in Chinatown during Chinese New Year where crowds bustled up to endless alleys packed with street food of all sorts. We rarely had the same meal twice, constantly seeking out dishes I have never heard of before.

This is all to say that I love Thai food and took a lot of photos of the meals we ate. So here’s a huge photo dump of my favorites.

Pad Kaprao at Phed Mark in Bangkok
Pad Kaprao at Phed Mark in Bangkok
Roti with fresh strawberries from Chiang Mai
Roti with fresh strawberries from Chiang Mai
Papaya salad, Hai Som Tam Convent, Bangkok
Papaya salad, Hai Som Tam Convent, Bangkok
Jok (rice porridge), Jae Hmoy Kia Pork Porridge, Bangkok
Jok (rice porridge), Jae Hmoy Kia Pork Porridge, Bangkok